© 2025 Flywheel Co.
When you're a small team, reliability and efficiency are key parts of keeping the gears turning. We have been using GitHub and Laravel Forge to deploy websites and web applications for a long time. This article is an overview of how you can use both of these tools together to deploy your projects out to your servers.
Laravel Forge is a tool that helps you build and manage servers on various hosts (or your own) that's geared towards PHP based applications. That's the shortest answer I can come up with. We could write a whole article on Forge itself but for the purposes of this one, we'll keep it simple. Using Forge, you can create a new server that's primed for PHP based applications (not just Laravel) with a few clicks. At Flywheel we build a lot of sites using Wordpress and Laravel. Forge let's us create and, at a high level, manage VPS servers for these sites without having to get into the command line every time. If you want to read more about Forge you can check out their features page. It’s an extreme time saver for our team.
We us git and GitHub for all of our code versioning. Again, we could probably write an entire novel on how we use Git and GitHub. The (very) short story is that we're able store and version all of our code so that multiple developers can work together and we keep everything in a manageable place. For every project we'll have a repository and branches within that repo that, when associated with a Forge server, control what code goes where and when.
Let's say we're starting a new website for Jeff's Bounce House. Jeff rents out his bounce houses to adults so they can feel like a kid again after they hyper extend their knee while over-estimating their flexibility. We'll create a new repository called jeffs-bounce-house
in GitHub. Here are some tips on creating a new repo.
Every team will have a different protocol for how they branch their projects. We stick to 3 primary branches.
As the project gets bigger and over time you'll realize that you may need a new branch for a specific feature or a larger change. That's how you should be using Git. Build features and new ideas on their own branch and merge when appropriate to deploy where necessary.
When you create your first server in Forge you'll be able to add a new "site". A site, in Forge terms, is a virtual host for any new code base you want to run that can be associated with a domain name. Forge explains it this way "Think of sites as representing each "domain" on your server.” When creating a site Forge will ask you for details about what domain it should be associated to and some basic details about the site. Next, you'll need to enter where it should pull code from. We’ll use our new repository for jeffs-bounce-house
by entering the repository location and name. Lastly, you'll enter what branch you want to pull code from. In our case, we want the master
Forge comes with a deploy mechanism out of the box. When you click “Deploy” on your site’s application overview forge will run a “Deploy Script” that you are free to edit. What this deploy script does is allows you to write bash commands to deploy a site. Forge will run this as the forge
user on your server. Here’s an example.
cd /home/forge/jeffsbouncehouse.com
git pull origin master
composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
In this Deploy Script we are changing directories to the applications root, pulling new code from the master
branch, and then running composer install
with some flags to prevent interactions and optimize the autoloader. With just that we’ve created an easy, one click option to deploy Jeff’s site directly from our master branch in our GitHub repository. Every time you deploy, manually or automatically, Forge will run this script on the server.
We're almost there! At this point you have:
Now all you have to do is click “Enable Quick Deploy” and Forge will run your deploy script every time a new commit hits your master
branch. Seriously… That’s it.
Forge uses GitHub’s webhooks to enable quick deploy. Any time an event happens on your branch, Forge will know about it and run your deploy script on the server. This means that you can do all of the heavy lifting in your development
branch, merge updates into the staging
branch and finally do a pull request into your master
branch to have it automatically sent out to your production server. No command line necessary.
Being able to send out update to the server by committing to a repository is nice… but it’s not perfect for every situation. You’ll still find yourself in the command line for some projects. If you know me, you know I hate the state of front-end build systems in 2018. If you have anything more than a basic build for a project you’ll quickly find your deploy script getting a bit more complicated. User experience may vary. Luckily, forge will let you know via email and through the web interface that the deployment failed.
Auto deployments with Forge, GitHub and Digital Ocean have saved us a ton of time for a lot of projects. Even though it’s not perfect, I would still recommend it as a deployment mechanism.
The programmer in me wants you to know that it’s not perfect for everybody and it’s not perfect for every scenario.
Matt Higgins
Matt is a co-founder, creative director, and programmer at Flywheel. He's made literally tens of people laugh in his lifetime and is always looking for the next problem to solve.