© 2025 Flywheel Co.
We are a collection of planners, designers and programmers that bring years of experience and a lot of passion.
We started out of an apartment with one goal in mind, do good work for clients we believe in. Luckily, our office has changed but our ambition still remains.
We have been fortunate to work with passionate clients looking to grow with a creative team. We don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon and we’re always looking for the next business to partner with.
We are still in the same area, but we've gone digital. With work and meetings increasingly happening online, we decided to embrace it and move to a remote work force. To be honest it was a welcome and easy step for our team.
We're a small, experienced team that covers a lot of ground.
Check out some of our recent blog articles about design, development, music and everything inbetween.